Saturday, October 16, 2010


So... I have failed at my task of trying to post everyday! Maybe I should put a reminder on my phone or something to post. I guess I better post about the time since the last one even though I will only remember bigger things. Here it goes!

Aside from being a pain in the backside to get up at 6:30 every other morning (such a spoiled home-schooler I know.) the classes have been pretty fun. My English class has probably been the most though since I can pretty much write about photography for every paper and my professor enjoys reading it. In fact she gave me a 108% on my last paper, WOOT! History on the other hand being one of my lesser liked subjects has been more of a story time than anything, and my grade has been a solid B, not what I would prefer, so maybe I should choose to study rather than typing this blog.

As for my favorite subject, Photography! Since my last post I've shot a wedding, a senior, and a marine's fiancée. All in all, I've been very happy with the spread of my work through word of mouth. I still think though my work is crap compared to some photographer, but the people seem to like it so I continue to learn. As well as past projects, my mind has been exploding with new photo ideas, but also racking my brain because I know I do not have time my personal work, so i'm forced to wait until someone comes along wanting photos when I can release some of the creative pressure building up each day.

Mentally, my mind goes blank for school in the way a professor erases board beginning a new problem, in short I'm finally taming my "senior-itis" and getting myself to study for school. Still not completely sure on where I'll end up, although Rolla has always been my goal, photography has swiftly become such a major proponent in my life that I am considering visiting schools that offer degrees in it. Ultimately it will probably come down to the wire as usual, but If it weren't for the last second, a lot of things would never get done.

Finally to the day at hand!
(Heavy sigh of relief) Saturday! The first one to my own pleasure for the past 2 months about. Ever since school started, i've had projects, homework or photo shoots planned over the precious weekend. Thankfully I managed to keep this one clear of such nuisances and waste the day away with one of my good pals and a legendary co-op on Halo Reach. (sorry nerdy moment.) Tonight I should be on my way to seeing "Social Network" hopeful it's good since it will be the 100th dollar I spent today alone what with coffee this morning, taco bell for lunch and a new 1 TB external hard drive.

On a side note I have been thinking of getting an ipad 2.0 when it is released to use as a mobile portfolio/replacement for my net-book (the lame horse at the moment). Will be a while before the purchase but I am restraining myself from blowing my 6 months wages on anything at the moment.

Goodbye! Till hopefully just tomorrow!

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