Thursday, November 4, 2010

Creativity and the pursuit of perfection

Today I managed to find enough time to sit down and watch Chase Jarvis' keynote on social art. As I've begun to notice more and more, the art industry is at a turning point, it's not longer limited to the "talented" or "gifted" and more towards what Chase refers to as "Social Art," claiming that we are at a point to where anyone can take a picture, or a video and within minutes have it posted on their Facebook, Flickr, Twitter or blog, available to the entire internet. I particularly found this very interesting, considering my ever growing obsession with photography lately. Recently I had been concerned about how my age would affect my work, but as photographer Joey Lawrence commented, that age has absolutely nothing to do with one's work. His point backed that he began to gain public exposure at the age of 15 years old, and now 4 years later an internationally acclaimed photographer who shoots all around the world.

Oh CRAP! It's 1:20 am :P I need to sleep

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Frustration has certainly set in since every-time I try to add photos to this blog, it decides that my work is not up to par with their website standards. Makes me angry, but hopefully it'll start working one of these times so I can post some of my work for the whole 3 people who read this.
I would write more but the ultimate truth is that it is 11:50pm I have an exam on friday, therefore I must study.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Social Network

Sunday, the day of rest! with 300 years of persecution of the Christian faith, we have a lot to look back on and see with our relatively clear hindsight, the rather odd and even humorous reasons for why the Christians were persecuted. One of which I kid you not is that in the Roman Empire, the ruling bodies believed that the Christians were Cannibals! When the Christians would partake in the Lord's Supper, outsiders would hear the words " of His flesh..." and would assume the worst. In addition to misconstruing the Sacrament, the act of adopting abandoned children was also amongst unusual acts in that time period. Families in that time would sometimes leave their children (usually girls since at this point in history women were not viewed as a supporting member of a family, especially young girls.) on the streets. To make it even worse, those outside the faith combined these two and suspected that the Christians were eating children and you get a massive twist of words and assumptions that lead to one of the many reasons the persecution.

On another note, I had the privilege to see The Social Network. A Harvard sophomore in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg with the help of his friend Edwardo and a few other connections, created the Infamous household website Facebook. The movie mostly revolves around the question of weather the intellectual property was actually that of Mark or other schoolmates. The physiological depiction of Mark was easy to mistake as unemotional, which to be honest was true. However, what is lost in emotion is shown in his context. The beautifully written script was both exuberant yet witty. Overall I recommend the movie to anyone who finds thinking movies to their liking.

I'm out!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fancy style

I will admit I sometimes get so distracted that a single day will go by without once ounce of school being done, luckily today wasn't one of those days but it was close to becoming one. The Chizzled group met, and sang and made merry, then we returned to our routines not to be bothered by playful notions. The day is old and I must sleep, I look forward to lunching with a close friend of mine tomorrow, I am surly excited :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The time has come at last, tomorrow will be my last day for project 365! When I was 15, I picked up a small kodak point and shoot and joined my brother in his endeavor of project 365 a "photo a day" challenge for an entire year. It's been a long year, and to tell the truth it's actually been closer to a year and a half to complete the project, but 365 photos have been taken overall.

As for the day, mostly uneventful although I did get to have lunch with some good friends from my choir! Stories of home life, and hilarious quotes, it was full of laughs and good cheer. Although I was the only guy I didn't take much heed to it, since no-one else seemed too. After that though, I drove home and continued writing my outline. Certainly a part I like about class is that my prof enjoys my papers on photography, so it makes my writing much easier.

Tomorrow will come despite my hopes otherwise, but at least it's only wednesday, and nothing besides my outline is due. As for the rest of the week though, another senior photoshoot is planned this week, should be another good one as long as the planning session yields some good ideas.

Until another day, I'm out!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So... I have failed at my task of trying to post everyday! Maybe I should put a reminder on my phone or something to post. I guess I better post about the time since the last one even though I will only remember bigger things. Here it goes!

Aside from being a pain in the backside to get up at 6:30 every other morning (such a spoiled home-schooler I know.) the classes have been pretty fun. My English class has probably been the most though since I can pretty much write about photography for every paper and my professor enjoys reading it. In fact she gave me a 108% on my last paper, WOOT! History on the other hand being one of my lesser liked subjects has been more of a story time than anything, and my grade has been a solid B, not what I would prefer, so maybe I should choose to study rather than typing this blog.

As for my favorite subject, Photography! Since my last post I've shot a wedding, a senior, and a marine's fiancée. All in all, I've been very happy with the spread of my work through word of mouth. I still think though my work is crap compared to some photographer, but the people seem to like it so I continue to learn. As well as past projects, my mind has been exploding with new photo ideas, but also racking my brain because I know I do not have time my personal work, so i'm forced to wait until someone comes along wanting photos when I can release some of the creative pressure building up each day.

Mentally, my mind goes blank for school in the way a professor erases board beginning a new problem, in short I'm finally taming my "senior-itis" and getting myself to study for school. Still not completely sure on where I'll end up, although Rolla has always been my goal, photography has swiftly become such a major proponent in my life that I am considering visiting schools that offer degrees in it. Ultimately it will probably come down to the wire as usual, but If it weren't for the last second, a lot of things would never get done.

Finally to the day at hand!
(Heavy sigh of relief) Saturday! The first one to my own pleasure for the past 2 months about. Ever since school started, i've had projects, homework or photo shoots planned over the precious weekend. Thankfully I managed to keep this one clear of such nuisances and waste the day away with one of my good pals and a legendary co-op on Halo Reach. (sorry nerdy moment.) Tonight I should be on my way to seeing "Social Network" hopeful it's good since it will be the 100th dollar I spent today alone what with coffee this morning, taco bell for lunch and a new 1 TB external hard drive.

On a side note I have been thinking of getting an ipad 2.0 when it is released to use as a mobile portfolio/replacement for my net-book (the lame horse at the moment). Will be a while before the purchase but I am restraining myself from blowing my 6 months wages on anything at the moment.

Goodbye! Till hopefully just tomorrow!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday means.... monday. ugh

Today is the day that I began the massive studying for my first real Exam, I must say it's time consuming, and demanding, but overall I'm glad i'm being challenged.

Though the monotonous task of it all, I'm reminded of a little song by Pomplamoose, Ben Folds, and Nick Hornby, which gives me a little nudge to keep working, even with as bored as I might get with some of the less than enjoyable tasks in my education.

The day was in the most part uneventful, so for now it's sianara.